Student Housing Strategies for Anyone Who Wants to Attend Penn State

by | Jun 12, 2024 | Student Housing Center

Hunting for quality Penn State student housing in Philly does not have to be complicated. To find the best housing that caters to you, there are three things that you’ll need to consider.

The Costs

How a student apartment is structured will influence its price. Typically, an apartment that has a shared bedroom will cost less than an apartment that has separate bedrooms.

The most expensive apartment by far is a single-bedroom apartment. While having your own space will give you more freedom, it’s far better and cheaper to share a student apartment with a roommate.


When it comes to roommates, you can’t share the rent with anyone. You’ll need a roommate who is responsible and is willing to do chores and pitch in throughout the school year. If you don’t already have someone in mind, don’t stress out because scouting services exist at most apartment complexes. If you use a service like this, whoever runs it will help you find a roommate who has needs, goals, and study habits like you.

Transportation and Parking

If you want to operate your vehicle during your academic journey, be aware of parking fees. In many locations in Philly and beyond, parking can cost over $200 a month. If you want to save money, try to find a good apartment that includes a parking spot with the rent.

Great Options for Penn State Student Housing – Elevate and Graduate

If you want to pamper yourself during your time at Penn State University, start your journey at Alright State College. To take the first step, visit

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